Friday, February 27, 2009

Finish line

Blanket -- 2/22/09

Mitts -- 2/24/09

Pics are from a cell phone. Not great, but at least I have a record!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Marathon (wo)Man

WOOHOO!!!! I get so excited when I can update my project progress on Ravelry even just a little bit! The blanket is about 75% complete, but the baby will be here any minute. Add to that a new mini-project set to go to NY at the end of the month, and, well, you can see that my every spare minute will be tethered to a ball of yarn.

Not that I am complaining, mind you. For the first time in a while I have incentive and a clear progression of project priorities to follow. AND we had some wonderfully light and warm days this weekend -- perfect for knitting outside. As I understand it, we are to have a few more of these during the week. Maybe some outside knitting is in my future during lunch hour.......hrmmmmmmmmm