Monday, July 28, 2008

Monkey sock, not a sock monkey

This is a long awaited picture of socks knitted from the pattern titled "Monkey" in a article last year. You can find it here. It was my first attempt at lace. These were also knitted at slightly larger than gauge because I did not possess size #2 DPNs at the time.

The pattern is marked at the second level of difficulty (advanced beginner?), which is fairly accurate. If you are tired of plain ribbed socks, these are a good step up. The pattern makes them interesting and it's not too hard to find where you were in the pattern when you last left off. If I did anything differently, I think I would have picked a lighter shade. The pictures don't really pick up all of the lace pattern because the colors in the yarn are a little too strong. All in all, I am still pretty happy with the final result.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hal the sock monkey

This is Hal in his new home. It's not really that stark, its just being re-floored & repainted. Also with his new cat. Kitty 1, Hal 0

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Where does he get such wonderful toys?

Last week, I made a sock monkey. It was my second one. He was properly christened "Hal" at our knitting group. He's now at his new home. Hal has a little time to prepare before he meets his new buddy, sometime in November. Until then, I am told he is getting curious looks from the cats.

If you have never made a sock monkey, I highly recommend it. It's not complicated (2 socks + clever cuts + strategic sewing+ stuffing = monkey). It's not expensive (less than $15 for materials makes 2 monkeys). And the comic value alone makes for a fun afternoon. (Come on, who DOESN'T smile when they see the red heinie?) Take your project on the road while you are working on it and you are sharing the laughter.

I also got a pattern for a knitted lion. It is pretty cool, but it has a lot of parts to sew together. I've been totally absorbed in working on it every evening. Despite having to knit the first leg three times (she can be taught!), it is actally going fairly well.

Now I am hooked on toys. I found a pattern for a little dragon, pulled out the stash, and have some things ready to go on that project. My favorite knitting magazine in print has a pattern for a wonderful bear in fuzzy novelty yarn (another stash raid? or can I go shopping?) Or maybe a ball to use up some more stash oddments.......