Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A kitty named Bedelia..... I have somewhat previously alluded to, I have a bit of a "stash" problem.  Well, it's not really a problem so much as a "storage" problem.  Acquisition is the first step in the project process, followed by "What might this want to be?"  Sometimes, the yarn is rather stubborn and won't talk for some time despite your best efforts to introduce it to an appropriate pattern.

Enter the "stash-buster."  These handy little patterns are designed to make something useful (usually a last minute gift ) and use up some of the recalcitrant fibers that you can't seem to part with and thus, free up space in the stash for further acquisition.  It's a vicious cycle.

Most of these patterns use around a skein of yarn, take a short period of time to knit, and produce a pretty nifty finished object -- which makes them ideal for gifts. That is where this little gem came in.

Bedelia is a little gift for a new baby girl.  I think she turned out pretty well.   Her ears are a little sideways, sort of "Skippyjon Jones" style.  And she made use of a few bits and pieces of some great yarn that wasn't enough for a full project.

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